
I needed power to go so I tried the Brunton Ember 6000. It holds a charge and provides the power I need.

In the box I found the battery and a multi cable. I use my cell phone cable instead.

The solar cell seems to take all day so I didn’t use it after about an hour.

I recommend Brunton. Did you try it?
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More about heykip.com

Pc error

Oh bother windows is not happy!

This is a surprise! What happened?

Was it an update, who knows?

It’s days like this I wish I were more organized. Where is that boot disk?

Do you have a recovery boot disk?



I tried making a recovery disk using Windows 10. It took a minute to process. Then a message appeared on the screen insert a USB drive. The drive needs 8GB or more capacity.

I don’t have a spare USB flash drive blank, unused, and ready to be formatted. Why can’t I go old school and use a CD or DVD?

Be prepared. That was a valuable lesson.

Do you use Windows 8 or 10?

Do you have a pc or Chromebook?

My LG Cell

heykip.com my LG screen

Hi Everyone,

Happy Friday to you!

Yes, LG is still my favorite cell and I wanted to share a link. I really enjoy my cell.

This is how I save a bunch of cash. I use Virgin Mobile https://refer.virginmobileusa.com/SmftO3k-7NM9Ifr
I use the Sprint network it’s amazingly clear for a cell phone.

Seriously, I use the LG camera mostly. Most of my photos on this site are from my cell. If I want a better photo I use a Canon camera occasionally especially with a tripod.

Since I am on a budget saving to retire some day soon I focus on affordable things.

So I got a goal. What’s your goal? Share a tweet or comment.

Spend less on me today and save for the future. This link can help because it offers to pay $25. Try it. Do you need a cell phone?

It’s better to have options in life. Virgin Mobile, I call it VM, is my option and it’s a good deal.


Another way I save on fast food treats is I went to lunch here:


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My name is Rich, I lived in denial for years. More about me here. I got cash out thinking the ATM was my friend.  © 2017 Virgin Mobile USA


More legal notes https://refer.virginmobileusa.com/common/terms.pg

Websites and names are the property of its licensors, and are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws.



Apps I use. Maps is a way to avoid traffic in vegas.
Great clips amazing check in online

Capture+ lets me grab a screen

Quickmemo lets me take text notes.


Lite LED


I use WordPress on Android to edit.



WordPress is awesome! I love this theme GeneratePress. I used the out of the box plane jane theme in the past and changed to GeneratePress.

Appearance menu wordpress

WordPress is a powerful way to build a site. Best part is I can use a pc or mobile device. I use WordPress on my cell phone, found it in Play Google. It had over 86,000 reviews as of this post. What’s your theme of choice?

I want to shift gears and talk about my favorite small app Lite LED. I use it to light my cell phone. This 48 KB app is great in a small package. What’s your favorite app?

lite led
Lite LED



thank you