
Apps I use. Maps is a way to avoid traffic in vegas.
Great clips amazing check in online

Capture+ lets me grab a screen

Quickmemo lets me take text notes.


Lite LED


I use WordPress on Android to edit.



WordPress is awesome! I love this theme GeneratePress. I used the out of the box plane jane theme in the past and changed to GeneratePress.

Appearance menu wordpress

WordPress is a powerful way to build a site. Best part is I can use a pc or mobile device. I use WordPress on my cell phone, found it in Play Google. It had over 86,000 reviews as of this post. What’s your theme of choice?

I want to shift gears and talk about my favorite small app Lite LED. I use it to light my cell phone. This 48 KB app is great in a small package. What’s your favorite app?

lite led
Lite LED



thank you