
Fads come fads go

Farewell Google+

Long live Google Fi

Google Fi

Cell plan

My Google Fi saves money.

It’s July and I still love Fi. Thank you Google Fi.

How is it possible?


With Google Fi on WiFi I save because it’s not cell phone data.

Try Google Fi

Use my link offer. If it’s right for you we both save.

Data is $10. So 10 bucks a gig is not bad. Never pay more than $60 for data per month.

Have a good weekend.

My cell costs me less than 30 bucks. Google pay manages it for me so I won’t forget.

My offer code is K7167V https://g.co/fi/r/K7167V

Find more http://heykip.com/jw-marriott 

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Vegas Art

Did you see it?

Downtown looks so very different.