Target Las Vegas

Flamingo near 215 my lovely wife found a great deal at Target.

Thank you sweetheart!
Thanks Target Grand Canyon Drive South

A bit about me and

My name is Rich

French Roast

Starbucks is bold!

My name is Rich more about me.

This is not a paid advertisement I drink Pike Place and House. 

What’s your favorite?

Pc error

Oh bother windows is not happy!

This is a surprise! What happened?

Was it an update, who knows?

It’s days like this I wish I were more organized. Where is that boot disk?

Do you have a recovery boot disk?



I tried making a recovery disk using Windows 10. It took a minute to process. Then a message appeared on the screen insert a USB drive. The drive needs 8GB or more capacity.

I don’t have a spare USB flash drive blank, unused, and ready to be formatted. Why can’t I go old school and use a CD or DVD?

Be prepared. That was a valuable lesson.

Do you use Windows 8 or 10?

Do you have a pc or Chromebook?

Coffee Wish

I had a fresh coffee at Starbucks and noticed they framed the bags. I had Pike Place. Did you try it or bold?

So many coffee beans, so many choices.

Did you try Kona? I wish I had a fresh cup.


I’m surprised it’s english product of Colombia.

Kona sounds good, I tried it but it was years ago.



I enjoy wordpress and used the android app on my cell to edit this post.
Neil Peart drummer, song writer, author, and producer was born on this day 12th  September.

“Ghost Rider “and other books by Neil Peart can be found at his website.


I find posting easy on the go.
