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Friends, check out Sound Mind Investing, an investment service I use. Especially noteworthy is its DAA strategy.
Today I’m writing to talk about one of those subjects only Warren Buffett talks about: money!

Seriously don’t worry. I’m not looking for a loan. I just thought you might be interested in checking out a service I use that helps me with my investing.

Sound Mind Investing is an investment newsletter published by a Christian company that’s been helping do-it-yourself investors for over 25 years.
I really like SMI’s approach. I don’t hand over any money for them to invest. I have my own account at the broker of my choice and I’m the one who actually places the buy or sell orders. But these decisions are guided by SMI.
Their strategies and specific mutual fund recommendations are based on a purely objective, rules-based, time-tested process. And they have a great track record—no silver bullets or too-good-to-be-true promises—just good, dependable, long-term market beating returns.
You might especially want to check out their Dynamic Asset Allocation (DAA) strategy. With today’s bull market now more than 8½ years old, a lot of their members have been gravitating toward DAA, which is designed to help protect against loss during a downturn.
Again, I just thought you might want to know about SMI. Check them out here:

SMI makes me smile 🙂

Thanks to

Sound Mind Investing

60M @LivingWatersPub

Wow I had no idea.

Is this world wide 60,000,000?

Last year I discovered the fed, ever hear of this so called federation?

Today I pray for peace

Living Waters (@LivingWatersPub) Tweeted:
“If people don’t see the comparison of the killing of 6,000,000 Jews with the slaughter of 60,000,000 through abortion, it’s probably because they don’t consider a baby in the womb to be human. That’s exactly what Hitler did with the Jews. He said they weren’t human.”—Ray Comfort


Fads come fads go

Farewell Google+

Long live Google Fi

Google Fi

Cell plan

My Google Fi saves money.

It’s July and I still love Fi. Thank you Google Fi.

How is it possible?


With Google Fi on WiFi I save because it’s not cell phone data.

Try Google Fi

Use my link offer. If it’s right for you we both save.

Data is $10. So 10 bucks a gig is not bad. Never pay more than $60 for data per month.

Have a good weekend.

My cell costs me less than 30 bucks. Google pay manages it for me so I won’t forget.

My offer code is K7167V

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